Taa wika

South Australia is home to over 30 Aboriginal groups, each with distinct beliefs, cultural practices and languages

Australian Aboriginal culture is the longest continuing culture in the world. South Australia has a long and enduring Aboriginal history and ever evolving Aboriginal traditions.

Aboriginal sites and the stories associated with them often originate from the very distant past and, importantly, contribute to the living belief systems and customs of many contemporary Aboriginal people

Central Archives/Register of Sites and Objects - Search Request Form

Requesting a search of the central archives which includes the Register of Aboriginal Sites and Objects should be a key part of project planning. Complete the form below to make a request. Data provided as a result of this search is protected by section 10 and section 35 of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 and terms and conditions apply to the use of this information.

* Mandatory Fields

Applicant Details


Application Details


Search Area

Search Datum Plan Type Plan Parcel Type Parcel Title Type Volume Folio Tenement Type Tenement Number File Reference Latitude (Decimal deg.) Longitude (Decimal deg.) Easting Northing Zone Digital Data Buffer Width (m) Format  

You can import a file or manually specify the coordinates for your search area.

If importing a file, it should be a shapefile (.shp), a MapInfo Interchange Format file (.mif), or a Keyhole Markup file (.kml or .kmz) with one polygon, one polyline or one point.

If using a shapefile, a .prj file should be used to specify the coordinate system. If using a MapInfo Interchange Format file, the coordinate system will be determined from the .mif file. If using a Keyhole Markup file, all data is in WGS84 (EPSG:4326).

If the coordinate system of the data is not supplied, the input file will be rejected.

If defining the search area manually, all coordinate pairs must be of the same type, i.e. Easting, Northing & Zone or Latitude & Longitude.

Polygons must have the same first and last coordinates otherwise the geometry will be assumed to be a polyline.

Coordinates can be provided in GDA2020 or GDA94.

Type * Latitude * Longitude * Latitude Degree * Latitude Minute Latitude Seconds Longitude Degree * Longitude Minute Longitude Seconds Easting * Northing * Zone *  

I accept the terms and conditions for the use of information derived from the central archives which includes the Register of Aboriginal Sites and Objects *